70 MM Entertainments, run and operated by Vijay Chilla and Shashi Devireddy, had previously scored super hits with Bhale Manchi Roju, Anando Bramha, and Yatra. Their next project will mark the coming together of Palasa fame Karuna Kumar and happening hero Sudheer Babu. Titled Sridevi Soda Center, the motion poster of the film was unveiled
Sridevi Soda Center motion poster packs a punch as Sudheer’s still while he holds a soda bottle catches the attaches of the viewers. The motion poster has a colorful vibe to it and also has commercial appeal. The regular shooting will be commencing from the 1st of November, said the producers Vijay Chilla and Shashi Devireddy.
Hero: Sudheer Babu
Banner: 70 MM Entertainments
Producers: Vijay Chilla, Shashi Devireddy
Music: Mani Sharma
DOP: Shamdat Sainuddin
Editor: Sreekar Prasad
Production design: Ramakrishna – Monika
PRO: Eluru Sreenu, MeghaSyam Director: Karuna Kumar