Nitro Star Sudheer Babu will next be seen in a unique action thriller Mama Mascheendra where he will be seen in three different characters. Directed by actor-filmmaker Harshavardhan and produced by Suniel Narang and Puskur Ram Mohan Rao on Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP, Mama Mascheendra has its release date locked.
As announced officially by the makers, Mama Mascheendra will grace the theatres on October 6th. The release date poster shows the three characters played by Sudheer Babu as a don, a fat man, and a DJ.
The teaser that introduced all the prominent characters and the premise of the movie received a positive response, wherein the first single Gaalullona enthused the music lovers. The makers will aggravate the promotional activities in the next few days, as they locked the release date.
Mirnalini Ravi and Eesha Rebba played heroines in the movie that has music by Chaitan Bharadwaj. PG Vinda handled the cinematography, while Rajeev is the art director. Sonali Narang and Srishti of Srishti Celluloid present this bilingual movie made in Telugu and Hindi languages.
Cast: Sudheer Babu, Mirnalini Ravi, Eesha Rebba, Harshavardhan
Technical Crew:
Writer, Director: Harshavardhan
Producers: Suniel Narang and Puskur Ram Mohan Rao
Presenter: Sonali Narang, Srishti (Srishti Celluloid)
Banner: Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP
Music Director: Chaitan Bharadwaj
DOP: PG Vinda
Art Director: Rajeev