On Young Rebel Star Prabhas’ birthday, the actor shared the first extensive look at his next, Saaho, titled Shades of Saaho. The video gave a feel of the stylish thriller that has been shot in India and Abu Dhabi. A special place was reserved for action sequences in the film. Hollywood action director Kenny Bates composed action episode that was shot in Abu Dhabi. Around 27 cars and five trucks were crashed to shoot the action episode to give real experience to audience.
Prabhas fans and movie buffs were elated with the action-packed video- Shades Of Saaho Chapter 1. Apparently, they have watched the video multiple times which is the reason why it crossed historic 10 million views (Youtube (8.9 M+) + Facebook (1.2 M+) + IGTV (203K+)) in just 24 hours. The way Prabhas made his entry in style towards end of the video; it gave goosebumps to his fans who apparently have come out of Baahubali mania.
Music for the video was composed by Thaman S, while the music for the movie is composed by Shankar Ehsaan Loy trio. Directed by Sujeeth under UV Creations Banner, Saaho features Shraddha Kapoor in female lead role, while Jackie Shroff and Vennela Kishore played important roles.
Records Set By Shades Of Saaho So Far:
* Highest Views for a non-trailer/non-teaser making video in 24 hours.
* Most Liked Making Video on YouTube with 398K likes beating Rajinikanth-Akshay Kumar starrer 2.0 (306K)
* Most Liked Making Video on social media with close to 1M likes (9, 87, 264 likes to be precise)
* A historic 52 M+ reach on social media; Highest ever for a making video in 24 hours.