Sivakarthikeyan, who has made it big in Kollywood, recently took a new avatar and started his own production company titled, Sivakarthikeyan Productions.
Director of his first production venture is none other than his close friend and singer Arunraja Kamaraj. Auspicious pooja of the movie was held recently at Lalgudi in Tiruchi.
The movie is based on the life of a supportive father and a young girl who wants to achieve big in cricket.
Now Siva will be seen in a different role as he will be making his debut as a lyricist in Kolamavu Kokila starring Nayanthara.
Music director for the movie is Anirudh. Sivakarthikeyan has penned the lyrics for the song ‘Kalyana Vayasu’ and it is expected to be released on 17 May. Already a single from the movie titled ‘Edhuvarayo’ has been released.