Trisha’s ‘Nayaki’ is all set to hit screens on July 15. This horror comedy entertainer is being made simultaneously in Telugu and Tamil languages. The film that also features Ganesh Venkatraman, Satyam Rajesh and Sushma Raj in key roles, is being presented by Raj Kandukuri. Giridhar Mamidipalli and Padmaja Mamidipalli are producing the film under Giridhar Production house with Govi Govardhan as director. On the eve of film’s release, the film unit has arranged press meet on Tuesday i.e. on July 12 in Hyderabad.
Speaking at the press meet, Mamidipalli Giridhar said, “This is my second film as a producer. Trisha in the title role, the film is set in the backdrop of horror comedy. The film has completed all formalities and we are planning to release it on July 15. Director Govi has carved out the film wonderfully. We have watched the first copy and we are very happy with the output. I am thankful to everyone who supported us.”
Wishing all the best to the team, Malkapuram Sivakumar said, “Giridhar and Govi, both are my good friends. ‘Nayaki’ is the second project for both of them. I wish all the success to both of them. I wish the film will become big success.”
N Shankar said, “Giridhar and I are roommates. After turning into producer, ‘Nayaki’ is Giridhar’s second project. It is releasing on July 15. Director Govi has crafted the film wonderfully with a blend of all elements. The film will give a break to Raghu Kunche. Re-recording came out wonderfully. I wish the film will become big success.”
“The film goes on in an entertaining mode starting till the end. Music and background score came out excellently. Producer Giridhar garu has made the film without compromising in any aspect. I made Trisha to sing a song in this ‘Nayaki’. It’s a different film,” said Raghu Kunche.
Addressing the media, director Govi said, “Without Giridhar garu there is no ‘Nayaki’. He has given the opportunity to a flop director like me. Everyone in the team have worked as their own film. It’s not a regular horror film. It’s a retro horror entertainer. We are bringing the film to audience on July 15. We wish and hope audience will encourage out attempt by making ‘Nayaki’ a big success.”
Brahmanandam, Jaya Prakash, Manobala, Kovai Sarala, Madhavi Latha, Sentrayan, Jeevi, Adurs Raghu, Shakalaka Shankar and Chammak Chandra are playing important roles in the film.
Makeup: Ranga; Costumes: Suri; Fight Master: Venkat; Dance: Swarna, Kala and KV Ramana; Editor: Gautham Raju; Lyrics: Bhaskara Bhatla; Music: Raghu Kunche; Executive Producers: Rambabu Kumpatla and Jagadish Cheekati.