Trisha’s much-anticipated movie, Nayaki which was earlier said to release on June 10 was postponed due to unknown reasons. Now, the makers are planning to release the film for Ramzan holiday in July 7th. The movie has been produced by Trisha’s former manager Giridhar as a bilingual in Tamil and Telugu.
The Tamil Nadu distribution rights have been acquired by Sri Thenandal Films which has associated with many horror films in the recent past. Ganesh Venkatraman has acted in an important male character. Trisha reportedly plays dual roles in the film. The supporting cast includes Kovai Sarala, Brahmanandham, Sushmaraj, Manobala among many others.
Trisha Nayaki Release Date : July 7 (Ramzan) 2016.
Cast: Trisha, Sushma Raj, Ganesh Venkatraman, Satyam Rajesh, Sentrayan, Jayaprakash, Manobala, Kovai Sarala, Brahmanandam
Directed by Govi
Produced by Giridhar Mamidipally & Padmaja Mamidipally
Written by Mali G. (Tamil dialogues), Rajender Kalluri – Harish Nagaraj (Telugu dialogues)Screenplay by Murthy B. D., Rajasekhar Yadav, Brundha Ravindhra
Music by Raghu Kunche, Sai Karthik (background score)
Cinematography: Jagadeesh Cheekati
Edited by Gautham Raju
Production company: Giridhar Production House
Distributed by Sri Thenandal Films