The Indian film industry, across the years, has witnessed the transformation of many actors into stars. In particular, our own Tamil cinema, has seen an epitome of such instances, where the top-league stars had their glorious transcendence by performing cop roles. Comedian Yogi Babu has gradually scaled greater heights, by experimenting with various unique roles, and now he is all set to flex his potentials as a performer, by playing a cop role in his upcoming film titled ‘Contable Nandhan’. The film is produced by D. Shankar Thiruvannamalai of Shankar Pictures, and is directed by debutant Boopaala Natesan, a former assistant director to reigning filmmakers like Sundar C, Sasikumar and Mu. Kalangiyam.
The film’s shooting commenced yesterday (July 7, 2024) with a ritual pooja ceremony at the spiritual ambience of Thiruvannamalai Temple.
Producer D. Shankar Thiruvannamalai says, “It’s an honor to be working with an eminent actor like Yogi Babu, who has become an exemplary to many aspiring actors… The involvement and interest, he showcased in this project during the narrative process were so inspiring. I am delighted to team up with a talented filmmaker like Boopaala Natesan, who has accumulated a vast knowledge of directorial craftsmanship from the bigger names in the industry. I am looking forward to the wonderful experience of creating ‘Constable Nandhan’ with these admirable people in the industry. Our Production house will continue to make content-oriented films.”
Director Boopaala Natesan said, “I thank producer Shankar sir for showing interest in this project. It’s a boon to find such producers, who embark on their journey in the industry, with the sole intention of producing and presenting unique content-driven movies. Working with an eminent performer like Yogi Babu sir, who has become the favorite of audiences and trade circle, is exhilarating. While his career as a comedy actor has touched the pinnacle of success, he boldly attempted to step into the protagonist’s role that had so much seriousness. ‘Constable Nandhan’ will be yet another milestone in his career as a star performer. There is an other important character that would b literally opposite yogi and the team are keen to rope in a powerful performer who could match Yogi Babu’s multi emotions.”