Talented hero Varun Sandesh is coming up with a unique crime thriller ‘Nindha’ which is carrying a strong buzz, thanks to impressive promotional material. The teaser received a tremendous response from all corners. The movie was written, directed, and produced by Rajesh Jagannadham under the banner of The Fervent Indie Productions. Kandrakota Mystery is the tagline of the movie. Today, heroes Sundeep Kishan and Vishwak Sen launched the film’s trailer.
While the teaser introduced all the lead actors of the movie and also hinted that the movie will be a riveting thriller, the theatrical trailer which is out now divulges the core point of the movie. The trailer begins on an interesting note with someone kidnapping a group of people who have a connection with a rape and murder of a girl. An innocent was framed in the case.
The storyline sounds very fascinating, and Rajesh Jagannadham wins brownie points for his writing and direction. Particularly, the dialogues are stimulating. Varun Sandesh appeared in an intense character and he played it exceptionally.
The frames captured by Ramiz Naveeth is a great value addition, while Santhu Omkar scored a wonderful BGM. Anil Kumar is the editor.
On the whole, the trailer sets the ball rolling for the movie. Nindha is up for release on the 21st of this month. Leading Production and Distribution house Mythri Movies Distributors LLP will be releasing the movie in Nizam area.
Cast :Varun Sandesh, Tanikella bharani, Annie, Bhadram, Surya kumar, Chatrapathi sekhar, Mime madhu, Siddharth Gollapudi, Arun Dalai, Shreya rani Reddy, Q Madhu, Sreeram Siddharth Krishna, Rajkumar Kurra, Durga Abhishek
Movie Details :·
Director – Rajesh Jagannadham
Story/Screenplay – Rajesh Jagannadham
Producer – Rajesh Jagannadham
Banner – The Fervent Indie Productions
Dop – Ramiz Naveeth A
Music – Santhu Omkar
Music Mix – Siebert Philip
Dialogues – Sireesha Manikrishna
Lyricist – Kittu Vissapragada
Editor – Anil Kumar. P
Color Grading : Tharan Tandle
Sound Design: Sync Cinema
Assistant mix engineer : Shishir Selvam
Associate Director : Arun Charlie
Sound Mixing : Aravind Menon
Dialogue Recordist – Samba (Saradhi Studios)
Art Director – Kireeti
Stunt Master – Ashok Raj
Costume designer- Archana Rao
VFX – Anil Kumar .P
Executive Producer – D. Chinna Rao
PRO – Sai Satish
Publicity Designer – Ranjith Kumar S
Music label- Divo Music