‘Hanu-Man’ is the first Indian original superhero movie from creative director Prashanth Varma’s cinematic universe. This magnum opus starring Teja Sajja has created a craze at the global level with the tremendous response to the teaser, songs and trailer. While K Niranjan Reddy is ambitiously producing this film on Primeshow Entertainment, Mrs. Chaitanya is presenting it. It will have a grand release worldwide on January 12 as a gift for Hanuman Sankranti. In this context, famous actress Varalakshmi Sarathkumar, who played a key role in Hanu-Man, shared the features of the film in a press conference.
How did you feel when director Prashant Varma told you about the story of Hanu-Man and your role? What will be your role in this?
Prashant Varma loved it when he told this story. I had a feeling that I must do it. I will be seen in the role of Teja’s elder sister. The funny scenes between brother and sister are entertaining. They are very cute. Audiences connect very well. It is a superhero film. Teja is a superhero in this. I also did an action sequence. It will be seen in the trailer. It is an action sequence with the elevation of a mass hero. The movie turned out amazingly. The director made the movie as amazing as he told the story. I am very happy that this film is coming out on such a grand scale. A lot of positive energy is coming from the audience. Teja, Prashant and the producer worked hard for this movie. I hope this movie will be a great entertainer.
Did you give any inputs to Teja and director Prashant during the shooting?
Prashant is very focused. He has complete clarity about what he wants. There is a good sync between Teja and Prashant. Moreover, Prashanth is not a director who says OK in one take (laughs) and does not compromise until he gets what he wants. But input is taken if it is useful for any betterment.
You have done films with big stars and big budgets.. How did you feel when you did Hanuman?
Actually I didn’t notice any difference. When you enter the set on the first day, there are specially designed sets. Only then did the quality of the film make sense. It looks like it is being made like a big budget movie.
How was working in Primeshow Entertainment?
Hats off to producer Niranjan Reddy. Hanuman is very well made. Niranjan is a producer who understands the director’s vision.
Your roles in Veerasimha Reddy, Crack, Kotabommali PS films have a gray shade. Looks like a positive character in Hanuman. How do you expect the audience to receive it?
Audiences sure love it. If I am doing a film, it is known that there is something new in it. I will try to protect that name. Anjamma’s role in Hanuman is also different.
The reason for not focusing more on heroine roles?
I never see myself as a heroine or a side character in acting. This habit is not there from the beginning. When talking about Veerasimha Reddy, the audience remembers my character. That’s important to me. I make sure that my role is important in the story. Some people don’t know my name. They call me Jayamma and Bhanumathi. This is the real award for me.
How did you feel when Chiranjeevi appreciated your work in the pre-release event?
Chiranjeevi gave me great pleasure to congratulate me. It felt like an award for all the hard work. I sent him a message thanking him.
Do you have any plans to do dream roles?
I stopped planning. Nothing went as I planned (laughs). What happens in life happens.
Do you have thoughts of going to Bollywood?
I never thought about language. Wherever I find a good role, I will do it. There are some opportunities in Hindi. But the characters were not that interesting.
Will father see your pictures?
They watch every movie of mine. He liked my role in Kotabommali.
About new projects?
I am doing Sudeep’s film Max. Dhanush is doing it in D50. Some other projects are going on.