After delivering a smashing hit ‘Oh Baby!’, Suresh Productions, Guru Films and Kross Pictures have joined forces for the official remake of South Korean action-comedy film Midnight Runners. D. Suresh Babu, Sunitha Tati and Hyunwoo Thomas Kim are producing the movie. Regina Cassandra and Nivetha Thomas have played the lead roles in the movie helmed by the very talented director Sudheer Varma. Saakini Daakini will be releasing in theatres on September 16th.
Cast: Regina Cassandra, Nivetha Thomas
Technical Crew:
Director: Sudheer Varma
Producers: D. Suresh Babu, Sunitha Tati, Hyunwoo Thomas Kim
Production houses: Suresh Productions, Guru Films, Kross Pictures
Cinematography: Richard Prasad
Music Director: Mikey McCleary
Editor: Viplav Nyshadam
Line Producer: Vijay Shankar Donkada
Art Director: Gandhi Nadikudikar
Marketing: Niharika Gajula & Lipika Alla
PRO: Vamsi-Shekar
Publicity design Anilbhanu