Young Hero Raj Tarun’s latest film in Konda Vijay Kumar‘s direction is ‘Power Play’. This film is Presented by Smt Padma Produced by Mahidhar, Devesh under Vanamalee Creations Pvt Ltd as their Production No – 1. Recently released First Look Motion Poster and Trailer of the film received very good response. Makers are releasing the film in a grand manner on March 5th. Team has released a Special Poster on the occasion of Valentine’s Day. This romantic poster featuring Raj Tarun and Hemal is creating very good buzz. On this occasion..
Young Hero Raj Tarun said, ” Me and Vijay Garu did this film as a very different thriller in a new genre. I believe this will become a very good commercial Hit. ”
Director Vijay Kumar Konda said, ” Recently released Trailer gets very good response. The film output came out very well. This film will surely thrill everyone.”
Producer Devesh said, ” On the occasion of this Valentine’s Day we are conducting a contest on behalf of our ‘Power Play’ team. Make a short video along with your valentine expressing your love. To Participate Make a short Reel/video Expressing your Love, Follow Vanamalee Creations and tag @𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗲_𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 and #powerplaymovie in your social media accounts. Comment & tag some friends below to have them participate in the contest. The last day to post the Video is 16th of Feb and the Results will be Announced on 18th. Winners will win a round trip to Dubai.”
Executive Producer Palaparthi Ananth Sai said, ” We are releasing the film in a grand manner on March 5th.”
Cast :
Raj Tarun, Hemal Ingle, Poorna, Madhunandan, Ajay, Kota Srinivas Rao, Raja Ravindra, Dhanraj, Kedari Shankar, Tillu Venu, Bhupal, Appaji, Ravi Varma, Sandya Janak and Others
Story & Dialogues: Nandyala Ravi
Cinematography: I Andrew
Music: Suresh Bobbili
Editing: Praveen Pudi
Art: Siva
Fights: Real Satish
Production Controller: B.V.Subbarao
Co-Director: Venu Kurapati
Executive Producer: Palaparthi Ananth Sai
Presented by: Smt.Padma
Produced by: Mahidhar – Devesh
Screenplay-Direction: Vijay Kumar Konda