Music director & Actor GV Prakash Kumar after the successful Trisha Leda Nayanthara is busy with Telugu, Tamil bilingual Naaku Inko Perundi. Anandhi, who did Trisha Ledha Nayanatara is once again pairing with the Musician. It’s an action packed commercial entertainer. GV Prakash will be seen in Local auto wala role in a mass area. Johnny is his Character name which is also a title of Super Star Rajnikanth’s film released in 1980.
Being directed by Sam Antony, Naaku Inko Perundi is produced by popular production house Lyca productions. Makers are planning to release audio soon and movie unit are already into promotions.
Naaku Inko Perundi motion poster will be launched by popular heroine Samantha through her twitter account by tomorrow 5 PM. Krishnan Vasant handled the Camera.
Cast: G V Prakash Kumar, Anandhi
Produced by Lyca Productions
Executive Producer : S. Prem
Music Director: G V Prakash Kumar
Written and Directed by Sam Anton
DOP – Krishnan Vasant
Editor – Ruben
Stunts – Dilip Subraayan
Choreographed by Baba Baskar
ART – Umesh J Kumar
Costumes – Joy CriZillda.