Kanika Dhillon Kovelamudi, wife of ‘Inji Iduppazhagi’ director- Prakash Kovelamudi threw a Surprise birthday bash – a costume party, where the who’s who of the Film Industry and Social circuit turned up wearing their costumes. The Inji Iduppazhagi team was seen having lots of fun. Anushka was dressed as the amazing Maleficent along with Lakshmi Manchu – the tomb raider – Rana Daggubati as Sameuel Kartikeya, a character from Prakash’s previous film. Kanika made sure friends and team mates worked hard on their costume. Producer PVP turned up looking dapper as Joker – from Batman Returns along with his wife Kitty.
Writer of the film Inji Iduppazhagi- Kanika Dhillon Kovelamudi said it was possible to pull this off as the entire team of Inji Iduppazhagi was very excited about the surprise birthday plans!!!
Produced by PVP Cinema, the Inji Iduppazhagi team is gearing up to finish the romantic comedy starring Arya, Anushka and Sonal Chauahan. It has a stellar cast line up with heavyweights like Prakash Raj,Urvashi, Ali, Posani, Bharat and others.