Nitro Star Sudheer Babu and actor-filmmaker Harshavardhan’s film being produced by NarayanDas K Narang and Puskur Ram Mohan Rao on Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP as Production No 5 is presently under progress with the shoot. Sonali Narang and Srishti Celluloid presents the movie. It’s a bilingual being made in Telugu and Hindi languages.
Marking Nitro Star Sudheer Babu’s birthday, the makers today unveiled title and first look poster of the movie. He is given the tag Nitro Star for his charged-up performances and dynamic screen presence in his movies.
Mama Mascheendra is the title and it sounds interesting. There are many meanings for Mascheendra- power-seeking, ambitious, courageous etc. Apparently, this denotes the multi-shaded character of Nitro Star Sudheer Babu. The actor dressed in funky costumes looks jubilant in the poster where he is seen singing on a stage at a pub. The poster makes strong impact for sure.
Nitro Star Sudheer Babu is playing one of the most challenging roles in the film. Harshavardhan is presenting the actor in a never seen before multi-shaded character. Billed to be an action entertainer with an innovative concept, the film stars some noted actors, wherein a top-notch technical team is working for it.
Chaitan Bharadwaj renders soundtracks, while PG Vinda handles cinematography. Rajeev is the art director. Other cast and crew of the movie will be revealed soon.
Cast: Sudheer Babu
Technical Crew:
Writer, Director: Harshavardhan
Producers: NarayanDas K Narang and Puskur Ram Mohan Rao
Presenter: Sonali Narang, Srishti (Srishti Celluloid)
Banner: Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP
Music Director: Chaitan Bharadwaj
DOP: PG Vinda
Art Director: Rajeev