AHA Tamil, an OTT Platform completely dedicated to the Tamil industry with brand new series, lots of movies, and much more entertainment contents was launched recently. The reputed platform is launching the edge-of-seat thriller ‘IRAI’ this Friday (February 18, 2022). The series is directed by Rajesh M Selva (Thoonga Vanam, Kadaram Kondan fame) and is produced by Radhika Sarathkumar of Radaan Mediaworks. Sarathkumar plays the lead role in this series, which will offer unlimited thrilling moments, twists and turns for the audiences.
The special screening of this series followed by press meet had the cast and crewmembers of this series taking part.
Chidambaram, AHA Tamil said, “I would like to extend my wholehearted thanks to Radhika madam and Sarathkumar sir. We had made a strong promise last week during the launch of AHA Tamil that we will keep bringing you exciting Originals every week, and here we are with the amazing ‘IRAI’ series. Director Rajesh M Selva has done a colossal work in this series. He is a genius, who can converse on any topic under the sun. I am sure that IRAI will be an engrossing watch for the audiences.”
Writer Manoj Kalaivanan said, “OTT is a boon for writers like me. It’s been a great pleasure and challenge at the same time to switch over the writing work from stage plays to OTT series. I thank Rajesh M Selva for giving chance and complete creative freedom.”
Editor San Lokesh said, “I have already worked with Rajesh M Selva sir. He is such a great filmmaker with a strong vision. He has done a remarkable directorial with this series. It is based on the child trafficking, which is narrated in an engrossing and engaging manner. It will definitely impress everyone watching the series.”
Actor Krishna Dayal said, “I have played a challenging role in this series. I thank Radaan and Rajesh M Selva sir for giving me the chance to be a part of their family and this series. This is a strongly recommended series for universal crowds. The series speaks about the evil surrounding us, and which is prevalent amongst us in the society.”
Abhishek said, “This was personally a very challenging role for me to perform. While many were wearing sweaters in the cold climatic conditions of Kodaikanal, I was made to sit bare, which was quite challenging and emotional for me. I thank both Radhika mam and Sarath Kumar sir for giving a chance to play an important character. Rajesh has crafted this series in a great manner. Pooja has done a remarkable job. This series will be a cherry-pick for the audiences from all walks of life.”
Sreesha said, “Everyone has a dream, and for me, this is a big dream come true of having Sarath Kumar sir playing the lead role and Ghibran sir composing music for a series that I am also a part of. I thank everyone from the crew for giving me a chance to be a part of such a prestigious project.”
Actor Karuppu Nambiar said, “Myself and director Rajesh M Selva sir share 10 years of bonding. He would always keep assuring that he would offer me a good role in one of my projects. I was really happy, when I got an opportunity to be a part of this ‘IRAI’ web series. He just invited me to be a part of this series stating that my character will be there for six episodes, and I have to perform to the best. He is a living Balachandar sir as he will keep exploiting the actors to the best of their abilities. I thank everyone from the team for giving an opportunity to be a part of such a big project.”
Actress Gauri Nair said, “I have lots of people to thank here. I would like to extend my thanks to Abhishek for he was the one to recommend me. During the COVID-19 Lockdown times, Rajesh M Selva sir selected me through the video call. There have been lots of misconceptions about the industry outside, but I was proved wrong as it is such a wonderful industry to be a part of. I don’t have much sequences with Sarath Kumar sir, but I feel proud to be a part of a web series that features such a marvellous star. This is an important series in my career, and it’s been a pleasure working with eminent personalities from the industry.”
Actress Vaanmathi Rajan said, “Whatever we desire wholeheartedly becomes a reality, and for me, it has become evident with this series. It was really amazing to be a part of series that is screen-written by Manoj. When I was in school, I saw Sarath Kumar sir’s Pachchaikili Muththucharam. It is a dream-come-true for me to be sharing the screen space with him in this series. This series will be a sure-footed winner and will be liked by all the audiences.”
Director Vikraman said, “IRAI means PREY, in other words, FOOD. The series is about the pursuit of prey, and it instils in us the urge to binge-watch it. Sarathkumar sir is always known to give his best into whatever role that is offered to him. Rajesh has written a wonderful screenplay, and this series is going to be a super hit. I am happy that OTT platform has become a boon to the movie industry.”
Director KS Ravikumar said, “Even I have made a movie for Radhika Sarathkumar madam’s banner, which was released illegally on the cyberspace. Well, this time, her production of web series ‘IRAI’ is getting released on the OTT platform, but with the paid subscription. I am really happy about this project. OTT platforms have opened a new market for the low budget movies, and it makes me so much happy as it is a healthy situation for the cinema. I have known Rajesh from the days, I have been working with Kamal sir. The series has an engaging and gripping screenplay, and Rajesh has done a remarkable job. Sarathkumar is a hardworking person, and I have noticed it from the days I have worked with him. He has proved the best and surpassed his erstwhile works in this series with a spellbinding performance.
Executive Producer Pooja Sarathkumar said, “I believe I have done the best to my abilities in this series. I have been a great headache for Rajesh M Selva. I thank Radhika aunty, my father Sarathkumar for making me a part of this series. He has rocked with his outstanding performance. I thank everyone for supporting our works.”
Director Rajesh M Selva said, “I express my gratitude of thanksgiving to Kamal Haasan sir for he has been main reason behind my involvement in this project. When I told him that I have got an opportunity to direct a web series for Radaan Mediaworks, he was so happy. When I mentioned that Sarathkumar sir is playing the lead role, he was furthermore elated, and asked me to immediately kick-start the project. When I read the novel Birds of Prey, I was totally shocked to go through the moments that were so realistic. It was really a tough challenge to translate those words into visuals through our adaptation. We have done our best in this work. Sarath Kumar has excelled as a performer, and everyone has done a laudable job. I apologize everyone for letting them strain and getting them exhausted during the shoot.”
Producer Radhika Sarathkumar said, “Kamala Cinemas is a place that is very close to my heart. I have been a part of my movie functions here, and it’s really an emotional moment to be standing here as a producer of new dimension through this OTT web series. I thank everyone from the AHA Team for being such a lovely people in encourage and nourishing our works. I feel proud to have produced a series for my home banner. Rajesh M Selva has done a remarkable work with his direction. Allu Aravind was very much impressed with the performance of all the actors in this series, and he specially mentioned them in his appreciation. When I was reading this novel, I was really emotional. I thank Rajesh and Manoj for bringing the novel adaptation perfectly as visuals. We thought Pooja Sarathkumar will befittingly suit for a particular role, and I wanted to train her. My husband to convince her a lot to be a part of this series, and she has done an outstanding performance in this series. Sarathkumar isn’t just a hero, but a content-driven protagonist in this IRAI series. He has contributed a lot towards the best of this project. There were many times, where his health conditions were unfavourable, and yet, he continued to act without any complaints.”
Actor Sarathkumar said, “When I was reading the novel from where IRAI is adapted, I couldn’t drop the book down. It was so intense, gripping and engaging. I can assure that the audiences can feel the same impact with the visuals as well. I can be confident that they will binge-watch this series. The entire crew had to face lots of challenges while shooting this series. Every actor in the crew has done a fabulous job, and Rajesh M Selva deserves all the honours for getting the best out of us. The series revolves around the social evils that are prevailing in the society. This series will definitely enthral the audiences. My wife Radhika has appreciated me a lot today, and I am really happy about it.”
Ghibran is composing music for irai, which has cinematography handled Yuvaraj. Sasi is the art director, Silva master is the stunt choreographer, and San Lokesh is the editor.