Lady Super Star Nayanathara’s Political Drama film ‘Aramm‘ is being dubbed in Telugu as ‘Kartavyam’. Popular producer and distributor, R Ravindran, who produced and distributed super hit films like ‘Siva Linga’ and ‘Vikram Vedha’ is releasing this film in Telugu. He brought the dubbing rights under Trident Arts banner and will release the film simultaneously along with Tamil film.
Trident Arts banner is popular Production and distribution house. They produced super hit films like Siva Linga and Vikram Vedha and distributed more than 450 films, Most of the films are super hit. R Ravindran is very happy to bag Kartavyam film and he is confident movie success.
‘Kartavyam’ is a Political Drama film directed by Gopi Nainar. Ghibran composed music and Om Prakash handling the Camera department.
Vignesh, Ramesh, Sunu Lakshmi, Vinodhini Vaidyanathan, Ramachandran Durairaj and PV Anand Krishnan plays other important roles.