‘Inspiring women awards’ given to 35 woman achievers

‘Inspiring women awards’ were given to 35 woman achievers
‘Inspiring women awards’ were given to 35 woman achievers across 17 various fields by Jeppiar Engineering college. This event was held in Jeppiar college campus. The funds raised through this event is going towards their child welfare trust.

Juries Dr.Regeena J Murali, Abdul Ghani, Nandhakumar, Kalaiselvi and Amirdhaselvi lit the traditional lamp and kick started the event. They also addressed the students present there.

Mr.Nandhakumar said, “We found it easy to select these woman achievers as our choices were same. This event is for children welfare and I want these kids to excell”

Mr.Abdul Ghani said, “ I was amazed by the efforts of students like Yashwant and Bruslee who successfully raised up to Rs.18 lakhs to help needy children with heart related surgeries. Jeppiar college has always encouraged such noble thoughts and acts”

Dr.Regeena J Murali said, “ When Yashwant told me about SAIL I was particular in haveing this event here. Our students will join your cause and make it bigger “

Yashwanth said, “ We started SAIL movement 4 years ago and now have over 100 youngsters with us. We have helped 18 children so far in doing surgeries. We are planning to help 10 more children through this event. I would like to thank my parents, my mentor Abdul Ghani and Jeppiar college”

Dance Master Kala said, “ I came here for SAIL organisation. I myself have helped one kid named Gayathri in doing a surgery and she is healthy now. I am proud to receive this award and I wish these youngsters all the best.”

Niranjana Nagarajan who represented India in woman’s cricket was also awarded. She thanked her parents for their support and honoured her mother after asking her to come on to the stage.

Big FM RJ Mridula was awarded in the media category. Upon receiving the award she said , “ I realised a lot can be contributed to the society through radio. Education can bring about social revolution. Self confidence is the key for woman”

Major Malini who was awarded in the the defence category said , “ I wanted to get into Army from young age itself. My parents supported me so much. There is less exposure and knowledge about army in South India. I wish many come and join the army”

Preethi Srinivasan, who was the captain of the differently abled under 19 world up was awarded in sports category. She said, “ because of no lift service i could not even join a college and study. I am not able to go to public places in this wheel chair. I request the government to creat pathways in all the places so that we can move around in the wheel chair. I have a organisation to help people with spine related serious issues. Lot of accidents are happening and I request everyone to wear helmets and drive “

Regeena J Murali , Nandhakumar , Abdul Ghani, Dinesh Kumar and Sam Paul gave away the awards. Actress Pooja Devariya, ‘Palam Silks ‘ Jeyashree, Uthra Unnikrishnan and doctor Andaal were awarded.

Actress Varalakshmi who has been spear heading the cause of women in many platforms recieved the icon on cinema awards amidst huge applause.

SAIL’s music album composed by Jones Rubert, lyrics by Vairabharathi, cinematography by Jeethendra and directed by Yashwanth was released by the jury and the special guests. Student Sumanth’s drums performance was much appreciated and Don Bosco dance group’s dance performance starring Big boss Juliana took place.