Ramraj Cotton, which has emerged as one of the most successful brand in the last decade, announced actor producer Rana Daggubati as its brand ambassador for the vests. The launch event had a fashion line up of their vests and introduction of the new TVC with Rana.
Speaking at the event, Founder Chairman Mr. K R Nagarajan said, “We began our journey in the same land that opened up a whole new opportunity for me and the rise of the brand. With Veshti at the helm of our offering, today we cater to all segments. We strongly believe in upholding our values and culture and that reflects in the way we communicate the brand too.”
Sharing more on the communication that the brand adopts, “We believe that we broke the stereotype in advertising the vests. In 2010 we had actor Arjun Sarja endorsing our vests, and the communication then was a clutter breaker upholding the pride of India and the brand. Now with Rana Daggubati we have yet again have had a different approach to communication which will be of interest to the youth” says KR Nagarajan who added that Rana will be a good fit to take the brand forward.”
Commenting on the association, Rana Daggubati said, “Ramraj has had an inspirational growth with taking its traditional attire back to the youth. I am happy to be associated with the brand.” Ramraj Cotton today has multi product offerings from Veshti to Shirts, Vests, Inner wear, Linen and also caters to the Women segment. With presence through 82 exclusive outlets and 6000MBOs across South India, Ramraj is looking to expand its own outlet presence in North and West India.”
The New TVC with Rana
With health and wellness taking the forefront, everyone us aspire to keep ourselves physically and mentally fit despite the erratic lifestyle. As we race against time, imagine having to practice a few quick easy to do workouts every day, and that too with a celebrity like Rana showing you the way!
The new TVC will certainly be a delight to the youth and any health freak for that matter. A series of 5 workouts with Rana showing the Greek work out “Calisthenics” can be downloaded from YouTube. Ramraj has always upheld the tradition bringing in pride and good practices, and this new TVC is also an attempt to take home healthy practices with the daily workout routine, to keep our generation hale and healthy.