Yuva Samrat Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi’s highly anticipated film “Thandel,” directed by Chandoo Mondeti, produced by Bunny Vasu under the esteemed Geetha Arts banner and presented by Allu Aravind, has wrapped up its Vizag and Srikakulam schedule.
“Thandel,” inspired by real-life events, promises to be a love story like no other. Mounted on a grand scale with a massive budget, the film aims to set new technical benchmarks in the industry. The makers have chosen authentic and picturesque locations in Vizag and Srikakulam, involving local communities extensively to lend realism to the narrative.
The recently concluded schedule was pivotal for the film, with Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi participating alongside the main cast. Several key sequences were shot, marking significant progress in the film’s production.
Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi both takes one of their most challenging roles in careers and will be seen in de-glamorous avatars.
Director Chandoo Mondeti ensures the narrative remains authentic, with meticulous attention to the characters’ get-ups, costumes, body language, and regional slang.
“Thandel” boasts a distinguished crew, featuring National award-winning composer Devi Sri Prasad as the music director, Shamdat as the cinematographer, National award-winning Naveen Nooli as the Editor and Srinagendra Tangala heading the art department. The film is poised to deliver a visually stunning and musically enchanting experience.
The film’s release date announcement is expected soon.
Cast: Naga Chaitanya, Sai Pallavi
Technical Crew:
Writer, Director: Chandoo Mondeti
Presents: Allu Aravind
Producer: Bunny Vasu
Banner: Geetha Arts
Music: Devi Sri Prasad
Editor: Naveen Nooli
DOP: Shamdat
Art: Srinagendra Tangala
PRO: Vamsi-Shekar
Marketing: FirstShow