Young actor Anand Devarakonda, who made his presence felt in Tollywood with films like ‘Dorasani’, ‘Middle Class Melodies’ and ‘Pushpaka Vimanam’ scored his careers biggest blockbuster with Baby directed by Sai Rajesh. He is now coming with an action entertainer titled Gam Gam Ganesha. The recently released intriguing first look, teaser and song garnered everyone attention.
Pragati Srivastava plays the female lead. Gam Ganesha is written and directed by Uday Shetty. The film is produced by Kedar Selagamashetty and Vamsi Karumanchi under the banner Hy-Life Entertainment. Today, makers announced the much awaited release date with a captivating poster.
In the poster, Anand Deverakonda is seen standing on a cliff and firing a gun, from which rose petals are coming out. The background of the poster is filled with red, and the date is placed in yellow. The film is releasing worldwide in theaters on May 31st. The comedy, chaos, and confusion begin in theaters very soon. The makers are planning for creative promotions starting from the beginning of May.
Chaitan Bharadwaj has composed the music for Gam Gam Ganesha. Karthika Srinivas R is the editor of the film. The film co produced by Anurag Paravatheneni. The film also stars, Karisma, Vennela Kishore, Jabardast Emmanuel and others in key roles.
Anand Devarakonda, Pragati Srivastava, Karisma, Vennela Kishore, Jabardast Emmanuel and others.
Technical Team:
Costume Designer : Poojita Tadikonda
Art: Kiran Mamidi
Editor: Karthik Srinivas
Cinematography: Aditya Javadi
Music – Chetan Bhardwaj
Banner – Hy-Life Entertainment
Choreography: Polaki Vijay
Co-Producer – Anurag Parvataneni
Producers – Kedar Selagamshetty, Vamsi Karumanchi
Written and Directed by – Uday Shetty