Vijay Antony’s latest film, “Love Guru,” marks his first foray into the romantic entertainer genre, offering a variety of movies to the audience. Mrinalini Ravi stars as the heroine in “Love Guru.” The film is produced by Vijay Antony himself under the Vijay Antony Film Corporation banner, co-produced by Meera Vijay Antony. Directed by Vinayak Vaidyanathan, “Love Guru” is scheduled for release on April 11, coinciding with the Ramzan festival, and will be distributed by Mythri Movie Distribution in Telugu states. The trailer for “Love Guru” was released.
The trailer introduces a girl named Priya, who reluctantly agrees to an arranged marriage because her father can’t oppose it. However, she sets some conditions for her prospective husband at the time of marriage. The story unfolds with a young man who likes Priya and agrees to all her conditions out of love. Despite his one-sided love and agreement to her terms, he soon realizes the challenges they pose after marriage. The trailer teases a fun and entertaining take on whether he truly understands how to love his wife, hinting that “Love Guru” will appeal to both youth and family audiences.
Cast: Vijay Antony, Mrinalini Ravi, VTV Ganesh, Thalaivasal Vijay, Ilavarasu, Sudha, Sreeja Ravi, etc.
Technical Team:
Cinematography: Farooq J Basha
Music: Bharat Dhanasekhar
Editing, Producer: Vijay Antony
Banner: Vijay Antony Film Corporation
Co-Producer: Meera Vijay Antony
PRO: GSK Media
Written and Directed by: Vinayak Vaidyanathan