Promising hero Sharwanand’s 35th movie with talented director Sriram Adittya under TG Vishwa Prasad’s People Media Factory will show the actor in a completely new look. Vivek Kuchibhotla is the co-producer, while Krithi Prasad and Phani Varma are the executive producers of the movie which had its title and first look launched, on the occasion of Sharwanand’s birthday. Edida Raja is the associate producer of the movie.
A pleasant title Manamey has been locked and there are complete positive vibes in it. The poster sees Sharwanand and a kid- Vikram Adittya, standing on the roof of a tall building with paint rollers in their hands. While the kid observes the world, Sharwa stares at him. London Bridge and River Thames can also be seen in the first-look poster. Sharwa looks extremely elegant in a sweatshirt and track pants.
The makers also introduced Sharwa’s World Of Manamey which indicates the story is set in London’s backdrop. The last portions show Sharwa with an injured leg saying, ‘I think it’s time for some champagne.’ Krithi Shetty who is also there gives a stern gaze at him. While the first look poster shows Sharwa’s love towards the kid, the glimpse shows his fun-loving nature. The poster and the glimpse that presented Sharwa in a new avatar have full young vibe and promise a new-age rom-com. The visuals look bright, whereas the background score by Hesham Abdul Wahab is lovely.
Tipped to be a coming-of-age entertainer with a beautiful love story, the movie has cinematography handled by Vishnu Sharma and Gnana Shekar VS. Popular technician Prawin Pudi is the editor and Jonny Shaik is the art director. The dialogues for the movie are provided by Arjun Carthyk, Tagore and Venky.
More details are awaited.
Cast: Sharwanand, Krithi Shetty, Vikram Adittya
Technical Crew:
Story, Screenplay, Direction: Sriram Adittya
Producer: TG Vishwa Prasad
Banner: People Media Factory
Co-producer: Vivek Kuchibhotla
Executive Producers: Krithi Prasad and Phani Varma
Associate Producer: Edida Raja
Dialogues: Arjun Carthyk, Tagore and Venky
Music: Hesham Abdul Wahab
DOP: Vishnu Sharma, Gnana Shekar VS
Editor: Prawin Pudi
Art: Jonny Shaik
PRO: Vamsi-Shekar