Produced by Manoj Krishnaswamy of Madhuriya Productions, “Inda Krime Paadilla”
Directed by Devakumar and starring Aaudakalam Naren, the film “Inda Crime Padaillai” was released. The movie also stars Bandy Kamal, Meghna Allen, Venkat Rao, Gracey Gopal and others.
Magna works in a cell phone shop. Then he pretends to be in love with 3 people who come there and surrounds him behind him. On the other hand, ex-soldier Adukalam Naren is fighting to prevent sexual incidents against women. His way of fighting is very silent. How do you do all these preventative measures? Whether this prevents sexual harassment of women is another story.
The story is based on the fact that even if we punish the lustful beasts who sexually harass and kill women without their rights, we will not escape. First of all kudos to the director for this amazing story. But the director has left the line in how to make the story with good ideas clear in the visuals.
The sudden background music has nothing to do with the film. Cinematography is terrible. The acting of the actors in the film is also blatantly artificial. The story is not interesting. The film moves as if it has gone somewhere and brought somewhere. Overall the concept is good but the masala is a bit lacking.