The buzz has intensified for the much-awaited movie Tiger Nageswara Rao, after a glimpse was unveiled recently. The teaser of Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja’s crazy Pan India project Tiger Nageswara Rao under the direction of Vamsee called Tiger’s Invasion went viral and it has set the bar high for the movie. Produced grandly by Abhishek Agarwal under the banner of Abhishek Agarwal Arts which made consecutive Pan India blockbusters The Kashmir Files and Karthikeya 2, the movie stars Nupur Sanon playing the female lead opposite Ravi Teja.
Makers revealed the first look of Nupur as Sara, the love of Tiger. Sitting in the window seat in a train, Nupur seems to be waiting eagerly to reach the destination to meet the love of her life. The starlet looks extremely beautiful in the poster in ethnic wear. It is known that Nupur Sanon is the younger sister of Bollywood actress Kriti Sanon. Gayathri Bharadwaj is the other actress in the movie.
TNR is the highest-budgeted movie for Ravi Teja. Since the story has universal appeal, the makers are releasing it at the Pan India level.
The cinematography is by R Madhie ISC, while GV Prakash Kumar scores the music. Avinash Kolla is the production designer. Srikanth Vissa is the dialogue writer, while Mayank Singhaniya is the co-producer.
The movie is slated for release on October 20th for Dussehra.
Cast: Ravi Teja, Nupur Sanon, Gayathri Bharadwaj, Renu Desai, Anupam Kher and others
Technical Crew:
Writer, Director: Vamsee
Producer: Abhishek Agarwal
Banner: Abhishek Agarwal Arts
Presenter: Tej Narayan Agarwal
Co-Producer: Mayank Singhaniya
Dialogues: Srikanth Vissa
Music Director: GV Prakash Kumar
DOP: R Madhie
Production Designer: Avinash Kolla
PRO: Vamsi-Shekar