The highly talented filmmaker Tharun Bhascker Dhaassyam, a specialist in dealing with hilarious entertainers with coming-of-age storylines, attempts a unique crime comedy for his third directorial venture, Keedaa Cola. The very first feature-length production of VG Sainma is being produced by K.Vivek Sudhanshu, Saikrishna Gadwal, Srinivas Kaushik Nanduri, Sripad Nandiraj, and Upendra Varma. The movie will have its teaser to be unveiled on the 28th of this month.
There are 8 main characters in this film and it will not have heroes or heroines. Comedy King Brahmanndam is playing one of the crucial roles in the movie, while director Tharun Bhascker played another crucial role. The makers are raising curiosity over the teaser by revealing character posters in an interesting manner. Today, they introduced the character of Tharun Bhascker as Naidu. Appeared like a gangster with short hair, he is seen holding a gun and smoking a cigarette. “Swaasa Meedha Dhyaasa,” reads on the poster.
AJ Aaron is taking care of the cinematography, while Upendra Varma is the editor and Ashish Teja Pulala is the art director. Tharun Bhascker penned the script.
Keedaa Cola is done with its shoot and post-production works are underway. The makers will announce the release date soon.
Written & Directed by Tharun Bhascker Dhaassyam
Production House – VG Sainma
Writer’s Room – Quick Fox
Produced by K. Vivek Sudhanshu, Saikrishna Gadwal, Srinivas Kaushik, Sripad Nandiraj & Upendra Varma.
Cinematography: AJ Aaron
Editor: Upendra Varma
Art Director: Ashish Teja Pulala
Costumes: Poojitha Tadikonda
PRO: Vamsi-Shekar