Successful Captain in Indian Cricket History, Mahendra Singh Dhoni has ventured into film production. As his maiden project, he is bank-rolling LGM under his Dhoni Entertainment banner. The film which is being made in the Tamil language, is also getting released in Telugu too. Billed to be a family entertainer, LGM is being directed by Ramesh Thamilmani while Sakshi Dhoni is producing it on Dhoni Entertainment banner.
The film has completed its shooting part. Currently it is undergoing it’s post-production work briskly and is nearing its completion. The film’s Audio and Trailer launch will be held soon in an event which will be graced by MS Dhoni and Sakshi Singh Dhoni.
Director Ramesh Thamilmani says, “Weaving humour and family elements together, LGM is a comedy-family drama which is a heartfelt journey that will make you smile and also touch your souls. We are grateful for all the love and support for LGM.”
The recently launched teaser of LGM garnered tremendous response and has clocked more than 7 million views in a short span across digital platforms.
Director Ramesh Thamilmani is composing music for this Family Entertainer, which features Harish Kalyan, Nadhiya, Ivana, Yogi Babu, Mirchi Vijay, and a slew of promising actors in the star cast.