Victory Venkatesh’s landmark 75th film Saindhav being directed by the very talented filmmaker Sailesh Kolanu is a prestigious project for Venkat Boyanapalli of Niharika Entertainment. The high-octane actioner with a unique storyline will have some noted actors in vital roles. The director roped in performers for these crucial roles. Bollywood’s versatile actor Nawazuddin Siddique is making his Tollywood debut, Shraddha Srinath will be seen as the female lead named Manognya. Recently, Ruhani Sharma’s character was introduced as Dr Renu.
Today, the makers introduced another crucial role in the film. The beautiful and talented actress Andrea Jeremiah is playing the role of Jasmine. Appears in a black and black outfit, Andrea gives a stern gaze in the poster with a short gun in her hand. We can also observe a sports bike here.
The shoot of Saindhav is presently happening in Vizag with the lead cast taking part in it. Santosh Narayanan helms the music. S Manikandan cranks the camera, while Garry BH is the editor and Avinash Kolla is the production designer. Kishore Thallur is the co-producer.
The makers will announce the other cast soon. Saindhav is a Pan India movie that will release in all southern languages and Hindi during Christmas on December 22nd.
Cast: Venkatesh, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Shraddha Srinath, Ruhani Sharma, Andrea Jeremiah
Technical Crew:
Writer-Director: Sailesh Kolanu
Producer: Venkat Boyanapalli
Banner: Niharika Entertainment
Music: Santosh Narayanan
Co-Producer: Kishore Thallur
DOP: S.Manikandan
Music: Santosh Narayanan
Editor: Garry Bh
Production Designer: Avinash Kolla
VFX Supervisor: Praveen Ghanta
Executive Producer: S Venkatarathnam (Venkat)
Publicity Designer: Anil & Bhanu
Marketing: CZONE Digital Network
Digital Promotions: Haashtag Media