Priyanka Trivedi who hails from West Bengal was a very popular actress in late 90’s and early 2000’s in Bengali, Telugu, Tamil and Kannada films. After she got married to Popular Star Hero and Director Upendra and became Priyanka Upendra she acted in selective films that matches her interests. But, she is never away from films. She always made her presence felt with different roles and impressive performances over the years.
Priyanka is coming with ‘Detective Teekshanaa’. Makers unveiled the first look poster of the film. The first look is arresting featuring Priyanka holding a gun pointing towards us.
The title and the first look gives a hint about how the film will be. It looks quite interesting raising curiosity about the film. The film also marks her landmark 50th film.
‘Detective Teekshanaa’ is Directed by Trivikram Raghu while it is being Bankrolled by Producers Gutha Muni Prasanna & G. Muni Venkat Charan (Event Linkx, Bangalore) who originally Hail from Polakala, Chittoor(Andhra Pradesh) along with Purushottam B (SDC)