Bhishma Parvam Movie directed by new Director Prem Kumar. Bekkam Venugopal was the chief guest for this pooja program and clapped for the momentous scene. Erravelli Bhaskar, Erravelli Praveen, Tarani Bhaskar and Jayashankar switch on the camera.
This movie will come as a period drama. A 40 feet Kali Mata set will be erected near Ramoji Film City and huge action scenes will be shot with a hundred fighters. The film is jointly produced by PMK Internationals and CC Productions. Roshni Sahota is playing as the lead female role in this film.
Chethan Cheenu is playing the lead role in this movie
Producers: Pmk internationals, CC productions.
Directed by: Prem Kumar
Music: Vishnu Vihari
DOP: Ishwar Aditya
Editor: Amar Reddy
Lyrics: Anirudh
Art: Anand
Stotts: Joshua Master
Villain: Anoop Sharma