Surabhi has launched new products in the market for women’s care. Popular actress Indraja launched these new products. As part of Surabhi Hygiene Products, three new products have been launched today. Surabhi Sanitary Napkins, Grow Women Menstrual Cup, I Am Alert Pepper Spray are the new products.
They said that these products which are useful for women are also included online so that they can be easily accessible. Company CEO Raju Billa and Mrs. Nirmala Billa said that the main purpose of Surabhi Hygiene is to easily deliver products to women both online and offline.
After launching these products, actress Indraja said, “I am happy to launch these products that are useful for women. Thanks to Surabhi for making such products available to everyone so easily. All the best to Surabhi hygiene products.”