Veteran Telugu Superstar and Mahesh Babu’s father Krishna passed away after suffering a cardiac arrest in Hyderabad, doctors said on Tuesday. He was 80. He was being treated by a multi-disciplinary team of doctors following the cardiac arrest. The actor passed away at 4 am on Tuesday, hospital sources said
According to reports, he was rushed to the emergency department of a hospital at 1.15 am in cardiac arrest. CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) was performed immediately and he was shifted to the ICU for treatment and observation.
Krishna, whose full name was Ghattamnaneni Siva Rama Krishna Murthy, This is the third death in Mahesh Babu’s family this year. Earlier in January, he lost his elder brother Ramesh Babu and later in September, his month Indira Devi passed away.
Many Indian Film Industry celebrities share their condolences to the Krishna family.