Hero Vishnu’s new film under the direction of Ram Abbaraju of Vivaha Bhojanambu fame was launched recently. This film marks Ram Abbaraju’s theatre debut, as he made his first movie for OTT. Razesh Danda will be producing the movie under Hasya Movies, in association with AK Entertainments, while Anil Sunkara proudly presents it.
The team welcomes aboard the talented young actress Reba Monica John to play the leading lady opposite Sree Vishnu in the movie. The actress previously did several films in Malayalam, Tamil and Kannada languages.
The production No 3 of Hasya Movies is a completely fun-filled family entertainer. Bhanu Bogavarapu penned the story, while Nandu Savirigana has written the dialogues. Director Ram Abbaraju himself has written the screenplay of the movie. A team of talented technicians will be handling different crafts of the movie.
Gopi Sundar will score the music, while Raam Reddy will crank the camera. Chota K Prasad is the editor and Brahma Kadali is the art director.
The yet-to-be-titled flick will start rolling soon.
Cast: Sree Vishnu, Reba Monica John, Sudarshan, Sreekanth Iyengar, Devi Prasad, Priya and others.
Technical Crew:
Anil Sunkara Proudly Presents
Screenplay & Direction – Ram Abbaraju
Producer – Razesh Danda
Co-Producer – Balaji Gutta
Banners- Ak Entertainments, Hasya Movies
Story – Bhanu Bogavarapu
Dialogues – Nandu Savirigana
Music Director – Gopi Sundhar
Cinematographer – Raam Reddy
Editor – Chota K Prasad
Art Director -Brahma Kadali