Filmmaker Puri Jagannadh, one of the country’s finest directors of mass commercial entertainers is collaborating with Vijay Devarakonda for the movie ‘Liger’. The movie features Ananya Pandey in the female lead role and others in the star cast include Ramya Krishnan, Ronit Roy, Ali, Makarand Deshpande, and few others with Mike Tyson playing an extended cameo role. The movie is all set for the worldwide theatrical release in multiple Indian languages including Hindi, Telugu and Tamil on August 25, 2022. During this juncture, both the lead actors of the movie – Vijay Devarakonda and Ananya Pandey along with RK Suresh, who releasing the movie in Tamil Nadu addressed the press and media.
Actor Vijay Devarakonda said, “I learnt Tamil while shooting for NOTA here, and I have slightly forgotten the fluency. I am so happy to meet you all again here. Liger will be a mass commercial entertainer that will impress all. I play the role of a boy with stammering issues, but he is smart. By doing this role, I felt that those in real life having this problem will feel confident. I owe a lot to Tamil Nadu fans. Even before I made my debut here, they have showered me with lots of love. After NOTA, I am looking forward to work in many Tamil movies with ace directors like Lokesh Kanagaraj, Vetrimaaran sir, Pa. Ranjith. I have been regular touch with them through phone. I am waiting for the big day, when Lokesh Kanagaraj will add me into his Universe. Working with iconic Mike Tyson was an immense experience. It’s scary and at the same time, he is a sweet person. I still remember the day, when by mistake, he punched me on the face, and the whole day, I had the headache. I gained confidence inside the ring after working with him. Working with Ramya Krishnan mam was yet another great experience. She is a deadly and stunning actress. She is the mass mother in this movie. She is a tough mother, who wants me to succeed in life. She is one of the great highlights in this movie.
Actress Ananya Pandey, “Liger is a full mass entertainer movie. It’s a kind of movie that I enjoyed watching while growing up. I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of this movie. I can assure you all that the movie will engross the audiences. I am so happy to be here before the Tamil press, and I love Tamil audiences a lot.”
Actor-Producer-Distributor RK Suresh said, “It’s great to be releasing the movie herein Tamil Nadu. Liger will be a mass entertainer catering the tastes of universal crowds. I am confident that after the film’s success, Vijay Devarakonda will be doing more Tamil films directly.”