The film Ravanasura marks the first collaboration of Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja and Creative director Sudheer Varma. Billed to be a unique action thriller, the film being made lavishly under Abhishek Nama’s Abhishek Pictures and RT Teamworks stars Sushanth in a vital role. Anu Emmanuel, Megha Akash, Faria Abdullah, Daksha Nagarkar and Poojitha Ponnada are the leading ladies.
The film’s new shooting schedule began in Hyderabad and the team is canning climax action sequence in a huge set worth Rs 5 Cr built under the supervision of production designer DRK Kiran. Stun Shiva has designed a stylish, yet different action block which is going to be a feast for fans and action movie lovers in cinemas.
Ravi Teja’s look in the posters garnered massive response and it will be interesting to see Sushanth sharing screen space with him. Ravi Teja is essaying the role of a lawyer in the movie to be high on action.
It’s a first of its kind story penned by Srikanth Vissa, wherein Sudheer Varma with his mark taking is making the movie as stylish action thriller with some unexpected twists and turns in the narrative. The director is presenting Ravi Teja in a never seen before role.
Harshavardhan Rameswar and Bheems together provide music for the film, while Vijay Kartik Kannan handles the cinematography and Srikanth is the editor.
Cast: Ravi Teja, Sushanth, Anu Emmanuel, Megha Akash, Faria Abdullah, Daksha Nagarkar, Poojitha Ponnada, Rao Ramesh, Murali Sharma, Sampath Raj, Nitin Mehta (Akhanda fame), Satya, Jaya Prakash and others.
Technical Crew:
Director: Sudheer Varma
Producer: Abhishek Nama
Banner: Abhishek Pictures, RT Teamworks
Story, Screenplay & Dialogues: Srikanth Vissa
Music: Harshavardhan Rameswar, Bheems
DOP: Vijay Kartik Kannan
Editor: Srikanth
Production Designer: DRK Kiran