The motion poster of “Karthikeya-2,” a sequel to Nikhil-Chandu Mondeti’s Karthikeya, was unveiled. With his intense voice-over dialogue, Nikhil hyped up the expectations on this project. Two major production companies, People’s Media Factory, and Abhishek Agarwal Art Banner are bankrolling this project, and Vishwaprasad and Abhishek Agarwal are investing hugely in this project.
Karthikeyan-2 has lured a lot of interest from the general public and film fraternity since its inception. Anupama Parameswaran will play an innocent role in this movie, and leading Bollywood actor Anupam Kher plays a crucial role.
An interesting thing in the recently released motion poster is the journey of Dr. Karthikeya. He appears to be entering into the history of Lord Krishna’s Dwaraka city. Director Chandu Mondeti could show the film’s soul in this motion poster. Karthikeyan 2 will hit the screens worldwide on July 22nd this year.
Nikhil, Anupama Parameswaran, Anupam Kher, Srinivasareddy, Praveen, Aditya Meenan, Tulsi, Satya, Viva Harsha, Venkat etc.
Technical Team:
Story-Screenplay-Direction – Chandu Mundeti
Banner: People Media Factory & Abhishek Agarwal Arts
Co-Producer: Vivek Kuchibhotla Producers: TG Vishwa Prasad & Abhishek Agarwal
Music: Kalabhairava
Cinematographer: Karthik Ghattamaneni
Art Director: Sahi Suresh