A preview of ‘Adade Sundara’ starring Telugu actor Nani as the protagonist and Malayalam actress Nazriya as the protagonist has been released. Following this, a press conference was held at the Star Hotel in Chennai yesterday. The film’s hero Nani, heroine Nazriya, director and actor Alagamperumal and actress Rohini were present.
Speaking on the occasion, actor Nani said, “It is a great pleasure to have Adade Sundara in the film. I think it would be an appropriate choice to act in action films like Shyam Singara Roy and act in a screenplay that mixes comedy and romance like ‘Adade Sundara’. Fans will definitely like it too. The story of the film translates into Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam and attracts people from all walks of life.
The emotional screenplay of the film will appeal to all types of fans. We have put in the hard work of our entire crew. ‘Adade Sundara’ will give the fans a good theatrical experience. We look forward to seeing how fans react to this film, which is set to release on June 10th.
Adade Sundara is a movie that mixes wonderful love and comedy that you have to go to the theater with your family as the school and colleges will open in early June.
The heroine of the film Nazriya said, “It has been a long time since I spoke in Tamil. So will anything go wrong ..! I speak English due to fear .. Working with Nani in this film was a pleasant experience.
I urge the Tamil fans who have been encouraging and supporting the love story to also support the film ‘Adade Sundara’. Support the film ‘Adade Sundara’ which is a mixture of love and comedy with entertainment features. ”
Actor Alagham Perumal said, “This is an important film for me. This is the first film I will make my direct debut in Telugu. My dream is to act in films in languages other than Tamil. Because when you work on films in every language you can see different kinds of culture and creators with different thinking. You can learn many subtle things from them.
The freshness you get when acting in films in a different language is a very, very important need. Although I have acted in a lot of Tamil films, the experience I get while acting in other language films is unhealthy. As such ‘Adade Sundara’ is a film that provided an amazing experience. The film is directed by Vivek Atreya. Young talented. With a talented technical team as a cinematographer and composer, starring alongside talented actors like Nani, Nazriya, Rohini, Nadia is unforgettable.
Nadia and I have acted as a couple in this film. But I had a crush on Nadia during my college days. Naresh, an important character actor in Telugu, has played a good role. Along with talented artists and technical artists, the production company also understood the difficulties faced by artists like me and offered full cooperation.
Throughout the shooting experience the set turned out better than I expected. I am very happy and thankful for this. ”
Actress Rohini says, “I am happy to meet the fans while continuing to act in good films. ‘Adade Sundara’ is a very special and unique film for me. Action scenes in action movies are on the rise.
At a time like this, ‘Adade Sundara’ is ready to be enjoyed with the family, smiling happily and excitedly. It has not only humor but also a love story that stays in the mind.
Before starring in this film, Nani and I had acted as mother-son in a number of films. Favorite actor Nani for me and the fans. When Nani and I work on the set, we really act like mother and son. Let’s walk.
Although Nani plays the mother in this film too, there is something unique about that character. Everyone loves the way it tells fans on screen. The story in this film is about the hero.
Director Vivek has predetermined the uniqueness of each character in the film, admired it with his imaginary eyes and brought it to the screen only. This could be felt while speaking the background to the film. I would also like to say here that it is because of directors like Wisdom that I continue to feature in hit films.
After the release of ‘Adade Sundara’ on June 10th, fans will all be celebrating us and our characters.
I would like to thank the Telugu and Tamil filmmakers who continue to give me good roles and if I am traveling in good condition today, I would like to thank all the directors who contributed to this. ”
‘Adade Sundara’ will be released on June 10 in Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam on behalf of Maithri Movie Makers. Directed by Telugu director Vivek Atreya, the film stars Nani, Nazriya, Naresh, Alagamperumal, Nadia and Rohini among others. Vivek Sahar composed the music for the film, which was shot by Naketh Bommi.
A preview of the Tamil version of ‘Adade Sundara’, which focuses on comedy and romance, was released yesterday.