Action Political Drama movie Kodiyil Oruvan Official Teaser. Kodiyil Oruvan is an upcoming movie that has Vijay Antony and Aathmika playing the lead roles. Directed by Ananda Krishnan and Music by Nivas K Prasanna. Dubbed in Telugu, Hindi & Kannada titled “Vijaya Raghavan”
Movie : Kodiyil Oruvan
Starring: Vijay Antony, Aathmika, Ramachandra Raju, Prabhakar & Others
Writer & Director: Ananda Krishnan
Producer: T.D. Rajha & D.R. Sanjay Kumar (Chendur Film International)
Co Producer: Kamal Bohra, Lalitha Dhananjayan, B. Pradeep, Pankaj Bohra, S. Vikram Kumar
Music: Nivas K Prasanna
Cinematographer: N.S. Uthaya Kumar
Editor: Vijay Antony
Art director: Pappanadu C. Uthayakumar
Lyricists: Mohanrajan, Arun Bharathi A, Subbu
Stunt master: Mahesh Mathew
Choreographer: Hari Kiran
Costume Designers: Sowbarnika
Production Executive: P. Pandiyan
DI: Igene
DIT: Janarthanan
Sound Engineer: S Chandrasekhar
Sound Mix: A.M. Rahmathulla
Sound Design: Vijay Rathinam MPSE
Production Manager: Mariappan Ganapathy
Makeup: P. Mariappan
Stills: R.S. Raja
Costumer: R. Kumar
Infiniti: D. Naveenkumar
PRO: Riaz K Ahmed
Designer: Sivakumar S (Sivi Digital Art)
Music Label – Saregama