Manchu Manoj Kumar, one of those versatile talents in TFI has been off the radar for a while. He seems to be the one to have best made use of pandemic times to announce a strong come back.
Manoj diverted his attention on two aspects. One is to cut down the extra adipose and second is to oversee the pre production works of two projects signed.
Manoj is learnt to have cut down nearly 15 kgs of weight slimming down for a superb new look, as one can find in above pic. Following a strict Ayurvedic diet and heavy physical workouts and kept him busy all through the covid period.
In parallel, Manoj is eyeing on two releases for 2021. One is a Telugu/Tamil film with a Telugu director and the other is a Telugu, Tamil bi lingual from a Tamil director. Inspite of this it’s been heard that Manoj Manchu is working on One of a kind Sports and Entertainment City which is going to be talked about.
With 2021 hoped to bring new happiness all over, Manoj too is oozing with new energy and bottle neck confidence. All the best Rock Star.