Actress-singer Shruti Haasan who has been spending a lot of time interacting with her fans on social media, has now opened another avenue for them to know more about her. The actress, who’s cooking, fitness and make-up tips have become a staple for her social media followers, will now be uploading unseen footage of her music tours and giving a sneak peak into her original tracks via her YouTube channel.
Shruti has performed extensively across the UK and has been working tirelessly towards her debut album. Through her Youtube channel she plans to release her original content and unseen footage from her gigs all around the world. “There are a lot of things Shruti is involved in, both in movies and in music and a youtube channel will just be a convenient place for her fans to know everything about it” adds a source.
Commenting on the same, Shruti says, “I have had a lot of fun interacting with fans on social media and i think an active youtube channel is the next logical step. It will contain all my original content, BTS footage and videos from my performances and tours.” She signs off.