Anushka Shetty, an IAS officer who is accused of murdering her husband, is taken from the jail and shifted to a haunted house called the Bhaagamathie bungalow by the CBI for interrogation.
There she is possessed by the spirit of Bhaagamathie and the events that unfold after that forms the rest of the story.
Initially we are introduced to Jayaram, a minister who gains popularity among the masses due to his clean slate reputation. He appoints Anushka as his personal secretary.
Fearing his clean image, his political enemies try to frame him and in the process they arrest Anushka with the intention of making her turn against him.
Director Ashok has very cleverly kept the secret about Jayaram, Anushka as IAS and Bhaagamathie, which keeps the audience guessing.
Anushka has carried the movie on her shoulders and this role is not something new to her. She has shown tremendous change for her role as the IAS and as the ghost Bhaagamathie. Rest of the cast have done what was needed for their characters.
Ashok has tried to mixed a few genres which at times confuses the audience. However, there are a few hair raising horror scenes and some unexpected twists in the movie.
Technically the movie is very sound, especially Thaman’s background score and Madhie’s cinematography have supported the movie well. The film however, becomes predictive after a point of time. Though things are not as good as expected, they are not a let down as well.
Rating: 2.5/5 – Mixed and matched