Tamil Film Hero Jai Akash who has acted in several movies including Rojavanan and Roja Kootam will be seen playing an investigation officer dealing with a murder case for his upcoming flick ‘Rettai Piravi’ (identical Twins).
Sources revealed that the movie will be an action thriller and will have real twins Vignesh Selvaraj and Vikram Selvaraj as the second heroes.
London actresses Elizabeth Mannering, Bhavni Agarwal and Indian actress Alisha Chopra will play the female lead roles. The star cast also includes Chaams, Power star and M K Rajah.
The flick is written and directed by Jai Nageswaran and is bankrolled by Jai Movie House Limited and Jaya’s Films. Music will be by 29 Skills Akshai and cinematography by Vara Prasad,Pro Selvaragu.
First schedule shooting has been completed in India and remaining portions will be shot in England.