Superstar Rajinikanth’s fans were in for a surprise on Vinayaka Chathurthi day as the making video of the actor’s upcoming flick 2.0 was released yesterday.
The 1.47 minute video shows us the glimpse of how grand the movie is being made.
Even the shots of the making video are breathtaking and the audience are already in awe of the picturisation.
The video has all the more increased the already existing hype for the flick. The movie is slated to be released on 25 January 2018.
Directed by Shankar the movie was originally slated to be released in October this year for Deepavali, however later it was postponed.
The film is the sequel to 2010 block buster Enthiran. Amy Jackson plays the female lead in the movie while Bollywood hero Akshay Kumar will play the role of a scientist.