After the sensational success of Khaidi No 150, Megastar Chiranjeevi is arriving with a historical period drama, “SYE RAA NARASIMHA REDDY”along with ace director Surender Reddy. This prestigious project will be bankrolled by actor-producer Ram Charan under Konidela Production Company. The film was officially launched in Hyderabad on 16th August with a formal pooja event and the team has decided to unveil the film’s motion poster much ahead to its principle shoot, on the occasion of Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Birthday on 22 August. Director S S Rajamouli unveiled the motion poster amidst industry big wigs and fans’ galore at an event.
Producer Ram Charan announced the huge cast and crew of SYE RAA NARASIMHA REDDY at the function. Big B Amitabh Bachchan will be playing a pivotal role and the other star cast includes Kannada superstar Kichcha Sudeep, Makkal Selvan Vijay Sethupathi and Jagapathi babu. Nayantara will be playing the female lead.
Academy award winner, A R Rahman will score the music. Cinematography by Ravi Varman while Rajeevan handles the production design & art department.
The gigantic Scale and the impeccable cast and Crew alone makes SYE RAA NARASIMHA REDDY, the most anticipated movie of the Telugu film industry. Details about the film’s regular shoot and other information will be announced soon.
Cast :
Megastar Chiranjeevi
Amitabh Bachchan
Jagapathy Babu
Kiccha Sundeep
Vijay Sethupathi
Directed by :
Surender Reddy
Produced by :
Ram Charan
Music by :
AR Rahman
Cinematographer :
Ravi Varman, ISC
Production Designer :
Writing Duo :
Paruchuri Brothers