Kuththu movie fame actress Ramya’s upcoming kannada film Nagarahavu is being dubbed in tamil titled “Siva Nagam”. The first look of Ramya’s “Nagarahavu” was released on Sunday, May 29. Meanwhile, a “Nagarahavu” teaser hit the internet with a bang on Monday, May 30.
Divya Spandana(Ramya)’s Siva Nagam has been written and directed by Kodi Ramakrishna, who is known for making blockbuster movie Anushka’s Arundhati & Amman. The film was supposed to begin four years ago. But the director had fell ill, while Ramya got busy in politics. As a result, the movie was delayed.
Dr. Vishnuvardhan, Ramya, Diganth, Rajesh Vivek Upadhayay, Mukul Dev, Ravi Kale in lead roles. Directed by Kodi Rama Krishna and Music by Guru Kiran. Produced By: Sohail Ansari, Dhaval Jayantilal Gada. Presented by Sri Thenandal Films – N.Radha & Rama Narayanan.