Hotstar, is now reaching out to connect with its strong regional language audiences in Tamil Nadu. Hotstar, which offers more than 5600 hours of Tamil content including a large collection of the latest and classic Tamil movies, and popular TV shows, has also announced the uber cool, young rock star of Tamil cinema – Shruti Haasan, as its new brand ambassador.
Expressing delight on her association with Hotstar, Shruti Haasan said, “I am delighted to be associated with Hotstar, the go-to place for people of my generation for entertainment. It is heartening to see that fans of Tamil entertainment too can watch their desired shows and films on Hotstar. I am proud of the fact that, because of Hotstar, India too is on-par with the global audiences in the way we watch our favourite shows, films and sports.”
K. Madhavan, Managing Director-South, Star India, said, “We have witnessed a tremendous surge in demand for local language content in Tamil Nadu. People here are tech-savvy and in-tune with the most developed countries in the world when it comes to their appetite for entertainment content. While large sections of the audience is already aware of Hotstar’s regional language offerings, Shruti will help us reach out to far more audiences in Tamil Nadu who will be delighted to know that their favorites are available to them at a time of their convenience, and that too absolutely free of cost.”
Ajit Mohan, CEO, Hotstar, said, “Ever since the launch in February 2015, Hotstar has established itself as the primary screen for young India. We are the only platform that showcases and curates the best of Tamil movies and TV shows, all for free to our users. We are delighted to extend our offerings to the Tamil entertainment loving audiences, not only in India, but also across the world.”
The launch will be followed by a six-week multi-media campaign featuring the young and bubbly Shruti Haasan across TV, print, outdoor and digital.
Hotstar features over 95 Tamil films and more than 60 TV shows in the language. Some of the popular Tamil feature films available on the platform are Thoongaa Vanam, 10 endrathukulla, Maari, Vasuvum Saravananum Onna Padichavanga and Kaaka Muttai. Popular TV shows include Kalyanam Mudhal Kaadhal Varai, Kalakka Povadhu Yaaru season 5, Saravanan Meenatchi and Seedhayin Raaman.
Launched in February 2015, Hotstar saw the fastest launch of any new service anywhere in the world and over the last 15 months, has been downloaded more than 65 million times. It is the only premium streaming platform in the country that brings together TV shows, movies and live sports in the country for free. Hotstar has also emerged as the medium of choice for marketers and agencies across sectors.