The shooting of Natasimha Nandamuri Balakrishna’s prestigious 100th movie ‘Gautamiputra Satakarni’ is going on at a rapid pace. The first schedule of this much-awaited film, which was started recently at Morocco, has been completed. Interesting thing is that, this is the first Indian film whose huge schedule for 2 weeks took place at the picturesque locations of Morocco where the shootings of Hollywood films will take place.
The shooting took place at Atlas Studios and Varu Georgious in Morocco. The makers have canned the first century scenes and a huge battle episode with Hollywood fighters under the composition of Ram-Lakshman. Nearly 1000 artists have participated in the schedule. 200 horses and camels were used for the action sequences.
Updating the progress of the film, director Krish Jagarlamudi said, “Balakrishna’s 100th film Gauthamiputra Satakarni which was started most prestigiously, has completed the first schedule. I am very happy that the firs schedule has been completed as per the estimated time and budget. Balakrishna garu has worked for 14 hours every day. He is very energetic from starting till the end of the schedule. We got inspired by his energy levels. All artists and technicians have given lot of support. I am thankful to everyone who supported me.”
Gauthamiputra Satakarni was the Telugu king who has taken the Telugu people’s eminence and reputation to the nook and corner. Krish Jagarlamudi, who recently won National Award, is carving out this historical story as a most prestigious film without compromising in any aspect. This prestigious film is being jointly produced by Saibabu Jagarlamudi and Y Rajeev Reddy under the banner, First Frame Entertainments with Bibo Srinivasa Rao as presenter.
Top technicians, who worked for so many Hollywood films, have been roped for this film. Ever since Nandamuri Balakrishna announced the film ‘Gautamiputra Satakarni’, the Satavahana warrior king, curiosity and expectations about the film is high. Now, according to the latest updates, director Krish is taking due care regarding each and every element of the film right from the first look of Nandamuri Balakrishna, who enjoys getting into the skin of all his characters.
Rock star Devi Sri Prasad has already started music sittings. Makers are not compromising with the quality and they are leaving no stone unturned to deliver a quality film which will impress all sects of audience.