After Baahubali, Anushka Shetty was all set to act in another period film Bhagmati. But the film’s director says that Bhagmati is not a period film, neither will it focus on the love story of Bhagmati and Hyderabad ruler Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah.
The director revealed that Bhagmati is a thriller. And this film will be bigger than Anushka starrer horror film Arundathi. This film will have Malayalam actor Jayaram as its villain. Recently Jayaram shared his new look in the film on his Facebook page. The film is a modern day thriller. G Ashok will be directing this film and Uppalapati Pramod will produce it under the banner UV Creations.
Presently Anushka is busy shooting for Baahubali The Conclusion. Apart for this she might be also seen in Chiranjeevi’s 150th film and in a movie opposite Nagarjuna.