‘O Malli’ that features B Ramyasri in the lead role, is coming to the audience on April 15. Apart from playing the lead, Ramyasri has handled the direction department also. B Prashanth has produced the film on RA Entertainments banner.
On the eve of film’s release, B Ramyasri said, “When I’m in 10th standard, I have seen one incident and it settled in my heart. Women in the present society are facing many problems. When I decided to make a film, that incident struck in my mind and I immediately developed it as a script. You all are aware of the fact that I have kept my heart and soul for the good outcome of the film. I solely made the film. It’s not a regular commercial film, it’s a different one. I can challenge that no other actress can do such character. Due to some personal reasons and lack of theaters, the film’s release got delayed. After crossing many obstacles, I’m bringing the film to theaters on April 15. Three more films will be ready after the release of this film. ‘O Malli’ was made based on the real life story of a lady in a village. It was made with a message oriented story.”
Akash, LB Sriram, Sridhar, Venu, Sai, Jayavani and Banerjee and some others are part of the film.
Editor: V Nagireddy
Camera: K Dattu
Music: Sunil Kashyap
Producer: B Prashanth
Story-Screenplay-Dialogues-Direction: B Ramyasri.