Padma Bhusan Dr.Kamal Haasan pics which are snapped in FICCI. Uday Chopra, CEO, YRF Entertainment; Arash Amel, screenwriter, Grace of Monaco; His Excellency Arun K. Singh, Indian Ambassador to France; Dr Kamal Haasan, actor, director, producer and writer; Shri Bimal Julka, Secretary, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India; Ramesh Sippy, filmmaker and producer; Dr A. Didar Singh, Secretary General, FICCI; Nirupama Kotru, Director (Films), Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India; Bobby Bedi, producer, and founder/MD, Kaleidoscopic Entertainment Pvt. Ltd; Uday Chopra, actor, producer, and CEO, YRF Entertainment; His Excellency Arun K. Singh, Indian Ambassador to France; Dr Kamal Haasan, actor, director, producer and writer; Shri Bimal Julka, Secretary, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India; Ramesh Sippy, filmmaker and producer; Dr A. Didar Singh, Secretary General, FICCI; Sudhir Mishra, filmmaker; Mr Hinduja, businessman at the event.