Sridevi Movies, a production house known for its rich taste and a wide range of movies, has collaborated with director Mohanakrishna Indraganti for the third time after ‘Gentleman’ with Natural Star Nani in 2016 and ‘Sammohanam’ with Sudheer Babu in 2018. Their latest collaboration is fronted by the versatile actor Priyadarshi and actress Roopa Koduvayur. This yet-to-be-titled film, which is being made as Production No. 15 by Sridevi Movies, was launched on Monday (March 25) with a puja ceremony at the banner’s office.
Producer Sivalenka Krishna Prasad’s wife Anita clapped for the Muhurtham shot on the portraits of Gods and Goddesses, while director Indraganti’s wife Uma Maheshwari switched on the camera.
Speaking on the occasion, producer Sivalenka Krishna Prasad said, “I am very happy to be doing a film with Mohanakrishna Indraganti, who is a dear friend of our Sridevi Movies and who is very close to me. This is our third collaboration after ‘Gentleman’ and ‘Sammohanam’. This is an apt subject for Priyadarshi, who became famous as a male protagonist with ‘Balagam’. Roopa Koduvayur is playing the female lead in this film, which I would like to describe as a cute entertainer. We are going to give the audience solid entertainment laced with emotions. The film will be like Jandhyala garu’s film made for today’s times. The shooting has started in Hyderabad.”
Cast: Priyadarshi, Roopa Koduvayur, VK Naresh, Tanikella Bharani, Avasarala Srinivas, Vennela Kishore, Viva Harsha, Sivannarayana, Vadlamani Srinivas, Pradeep Rudra, Ramesh Reddy, Kalpalatha, Roopa Lakshmi, Harshini, KLK Mani.
Costume Chief: N Manoj Kumar.
Costume Designers: Rajesh and Sridevi
Production Controllers: P Rasheed Ahmed Khan, K Ramanjaneyulu.
PRO: Pulagam Chinnarayana
Digital Marketing: Talk Scoop
Co-Director: Kota Suresh Kumar.
Lyricist: Ramajogayya Sastry
Stunts: Venkat
Production Designer: Raveender
Editor: Marthand K Venkatesh
Director of Photography: PG Vinda
Music Director: Vivek Sagar
Line Producer: Vidya Sivalenka, Lipika Alla
Producer: Sivalenka Krishna Prasad
Writer, Director: Mohanakrishna Indraganti